Acts 17:11 Bible Studies

Home Group Suggestions

1 Tim 4:13 Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of scripture, to preaching and to teaching.

How To Use These Studies In Home Church Meetings

a) Service

Our preferred format is to type out all the verses for people, as a service to the attendees. The benefits of this are that everyone can read out of the same translation, focus on the subject rather than looking up references, and reflect in private on the topic later.

b) Reading Aloud

Meeting attendees read 1 or 2 verses in rotation around the room. Those who do not wish to read for whatever reason simply wave on. Readers are encouraged not to race through the texts, but to read slowly and with understanding, allowing time to digest each phrase. The leader reads the quotations and comments, and moderates any discussion.

c) Time

To read straight through a study only takes about 10-15 minutes, to read as suggested takes about 45 minutes, to follow with comments and discussion about 90 minutes. Thus, we start at 8pm and end at 9:30pm. As a discipline, during the study time we do not deviate from the subject at hand.

d) Printed Copies

Another benefit of this format is that copies can be sent to absentees and others on a mailing list. Also, they can be passed on to those to whom the particular topic might be spiritually beneficial.

e) Freedom

When the Spirit is moving, and it is clear it will be a late night, we always allow those who need to leave a chance to gracefully exit at around 10pm. Those who wish to stay can, to discuss, pray, or praise into the night, but nobody should feel pressured to remain.

Related Postings on Use in Groups:

These sections are THREADED. To go to the next in sequence click on bold link below.

Mission Overview | On Use
Group Suggestions | Strategy
Greek & Hebrew | On Translations
Acronym Legend | Principles
History | R & D Section
Extra Stuff | Doctrinal Statement
